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Gigabit Wireless Prepares Healthcare Professionals
Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 07:56:00 AM

By Atul Bhatnagar March 10, 2020

Health should never be taken for granted. While each of us does what we can to take care of ourselves and our loved ones, we also need healthcare professionals to bring their expertise in times of need. Healthcare practitioners’ expertise comes from a rigorous education that prepares them for each stage of life. That extensive knowledge and experience also prepares healthcare professionals for those times when they are challenged by the unknown.

For 15 years, the University of Mwaro has been preparing local students in paramedical sciences, nursing, anesthesiology, and as midwives or research technicians in Burundi – a location where these skills will make an immediate impact on peoples’ lives. The university’s motto is “Savoir, Savoir-faire, Faire-savoir” which translates to “Knowledge, Know-How, and Let Know” – a motivational message on how to grow and share to improve the world.

ePMP Wireless WAN

High-speed connectivity has brought improvement to the education facilities at the university. There was a fiber link recently installed to connect the campus, but limited coverage made access inconvenient and throttled use and the associated benefits. Niragira Olympe, an RF engineer from Burundi, saw the opportunity to rapidly provide connectivity in the classrooms, dormitories and common areas of the small school. Working with our local partner, Axiom Networks, we rapidly installed a wireless wide area network (WAN) and Wi-Fi access. The University of Mwaro is now the first university campus outside the major city of Bujumbura that has total Wi-Fi coverage.

Case Study: Gigabit Wireless Blasts University of Mwaro to the Fast Lane

How do you prepare for the unknown? The University of Mwaro’s motto stands as an inspiration: “Savoir, Savoir-faire, Faire-savoir.” You learn as much as you can, learn while you practice the profession and help others to learn as much as they can. This won’t make the challenges of the world go away, but it will enable people to overcome them. For the students at Mwaro University, access to the internet is no longer throttling their opportunity to learn, practice and share their talents. We wish all of those who serve in the medical profession the best.

cnPilot Enterprise Wi-Fi in Classroom

Gigabit Wireless Connects the Campus

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